Taking advantage of toddlers’ natural bent toward independence, we encourage your little ones by drawing out positive persistence while helping them reach higher. Our teachers praise every attempt, seeking to build self-confidence, a skill needed to become a leader who does not succumb unduly to peer pressure. We watch closely during group and free-play to step in when needed in order to foster healthy friendships. It is reassuring to know your child is in a safe, nurturing, and learning-rich environment.
Balancing safety and learning with accepting, encouraging, compassionate teachers is what we do at Little Pioneers.
little pioneers
1’s & 2’s
health and safety
Classrooms are completely sanitized every evening.
Toys are sanitized during naptime with a food grade sanitizer.
Children are given their own labelled sleep-mat and sheet, which is laundered weekly, more if needed.
Children bring in their favorite labelled blanket for naptime, which is sent home weekly to be laundered.
We understand that toddlers just learning to walk, and growing in balance and coordination are going to take a few falls. Our teachers fill out detailed boo-boo reports, apply ice, TLC, or bandages, monitor the affected child, and inform you when you pick up your little one at the end of the day.
Equipment and toys are checked each morning for wear and to ensure they are in proper working order.
Toddlers are taught how to properly wash their hands, and do so at scheduled times throughout the day.
Children who have had diarrhea, a temperature of 100℉ or above, or have a runny nose with yellow or green discharge cannot be admitted until they have been symptom free for 24 hours.
All teachers and staff are certified in infant, child, and adult CPR and First Aid.
All children are required to have up-to-date immunizations or a Religious Exemption form from their doctor.
The ability to learn a language comes naturally to a child as they are cared for and spoken to. We take advantage of this time to expose your child to not only the English language, but also sign language and Spanish, laying the cognitive and auditory discrimination foundations for becoming fluent in two or more different languages.
A vast listening vocabulary is developed as our teachers have small group reading times with two or three children. Comprehension is the focus during larger group reading times, while individual reading time builds independence.
Communication is the focus during our lunchtime dining experience. Teachers display table manners and model listening, commenting, and communicating while eating with their students.
Language, Literacy, and Communication skills
Physical Development
Our toddler classrooms and playgrounds are equipped with developmentally-appropriate toys that invite learning and exploration in a fun, safe, and exciting way. Balls, a low and wide balance beam, wheeled toys, sporting equipment, and others promote coordination and balance developing both small and large motor skills.
Toddler Yoga (stretching and calisthenics) is something toddlers look forward to daily as a way to make the most of their vast energy store.
Social and Emotional Development
Our teachers take advantage of individual and small group activities to promote both a bond with trusted adults and also positive interaction with boys and girls of the same age.
We make the most of teachable moments, helping little ones regulate their emotions by turning potentially upsetting situations into positive interactions as we model conflict resolution through questioning.
Puppets are also used to emulate real-life situations in which toddlers may find themselves. Children are encouraged to talk to the puppets during the presentation with possible solutions promoting real-life problem solving skills.
Toddlers are taught how to clean up after themselves and help others when needed.
Music and Rhythm
Exposure to various styles and beats of music helps to develop auditory descrimination. We not only play traditional lullabies, but also classical pieces from Chopin, Schubert and others. We also incorporate music from Indonesia, Brazil, China, Scotland and other countries to expose children to different styles, beats, and a variety of musical instruments.
Music scales and treble clef notes are taught in a fun and interactive way creating neurological pathways for an advantage in later, more advanced training involving voice, piano and/or other instruments.
We dance and clap to different beats and sing songs repeatedly sharpening memorization skills.